The Queen & I

The Queen & I was a short-lived American sitcom which aired on CBS from January 16 to April 24, 1969. It starred Larry Storch as junior officer Charles Duffy serving aboard a once popular but now aging run-down cruise ship, the Amsterdam Queen. When the crew find out the new owners intend to sell the ship for scrap, he and the rest of the crew involve themselves a number of "get rich quick" schemes in an attempt to save their ship.

The Queen & I

The Queen & I was a short-lived American sitcom which aired on CBS from January 16 to April 24, 1969. It starred Larry Storch as junior officer Charles Duffy serving aboard a once popular but now aging run-down cruise ship, the Amsterdam Queen. When the crew find out the new owners intend to sell the ship for scrap, he and the rest of the crew involve themselves a number of "get rich quick" schemes in an attempt to save their ship.