Tour of Nilgiris

The Tour of Nilgiris is a bicycle tour in India organised by the The RideACycle Foundation. The tour has been held every year since 2008. The aim of the tour is to promote cycling within the Nilgiris region and to revive the cycle culture by popularising cycle as a mode of transport for the twin benefits of easing traffic congestion and being environmental friendly. The event caters for both charity riders and those looking to move into competitive professional cycling.

Tour of Nilgiris

The Tour of Nilgiris is a bicycle tour in India organised by the The RideACycle Foundation. The tour has been held every year since 2008. The aim of the tour is to promote cycling within the Nilgiris region and to revive the cycle culture by popularising cycle as a mode of transport for the twin benefits of easing traffic congestion and being environmental friendly. The event caters for both charity riders and those looking to move into competitive professional cycling.