TradeKey is a Saudi Arabia-based e-commerce company that provides digital marketing, business-to-business, business development solutions and tradeshow marketing services. It also provides buyer consultancy and industry key account management solutions. The company was founded in 2005 when Waleed Abalkhail and Junaid Mansoor founded the website, to connect importers and exporters, buyers and suppliers across the world. Tradekey has several branches in the world.

TradeKey is a Saudi Arabia-based e-commerce company that provides digital marketing, business-to-business, business development solutions and tradeshow marketing services. It also provides buyer consultancy and industry key account management solutions. The company was founded in 2005 when Waleed Abalkhail and Junaid Mansoor founded the website, to connect importers and exporters, buyers and suppliers across the world. Tradekey has several branches in the world.