Vampire Cheerleaders

Vampire Cheerleaders is an original English-language (OEL) manga series written by Adam Arnold, with art by Michael Shelfer; previously by Shiei, and published by Seven Seas Entertainment. The series follows the adventures of a squad of teenage vampires who really know how to show their school spirit. Vampire Cheerleaders is the lead story in a supernatural double-feature of Vampire Cheerleaders and the Aoi House spin-off Paranormal Mystery Squad, about a team of cryptid hunters that each has some form of supernatural power, sans the main character.

Vampire Cheerleaders

Vampire Cheerleaders is an original English-language (OEL) manga series written by Adam Arnold, with art by Michael Shelfer; previously by Shiei, and published by Seven Seas Entertainment. The series follows the adventures of a squad of teenage vampires who really know how to show their school spirit. Vampire Cheerleaders is the lead story in a supernatural double-feature of Vampire Cheerleaders and the Aoi House spin-off Paranormal Mystery Squad, about a team of cryptid hunters that each has some form of supernatural power, sans the main character.