Villa Rozenrust

Villa Rozenrust is a restaurant located in Leidschendam, Netherlands. It is a former fine dining restaurant that was awarded one Michelin star in the periods 1976-1989 and 1993-1999. One of the head chefs that worked here, was Cees Helder, later to become the first Dutch head chef to be rewarded three Michelin stars. Other head chefs were Huub Biro, Roberto de Luca, Christian van der Linden, Danny van Wessel and Luca Malagnino. In the second star period, head chef was Marcel van Lier, who took over from Lambert Stuifbergen in 1994.

Villa Rozenrust

Villa Rozenrust is a restaurant located in Leidschendam, Netherlands. It is a former fine dining restaurant that was awarded one Michelin star in the periods 1976-1989 and 1993-1999. One of the head chefs that worked here, was Cees Helder, later to become the first Dutch head chef to be rewarded three Michelin stars. Other head chefs were Huub Biro, Roberto de Luca, Christian van der Linden, Danny van Wessel and Luca Malagnino. In the second star period, head chef was Marcel van Lier, who took over from Lambert Stuifbergen in 1994.