XHZHZ-TDT is a television station on channel 24 in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, operated by the Sistema Zacatecano de Radio y Televisión (Sizart), a branch of the state government. The station is colocated with XHZH-FM 97.9 at the Instituto Zacatecano de la Cultura, with its transmitter on a tower shared with the SPR on Cerro de la Virgen.


XHZHZ-TDT is a television station on channel 24 in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, operated by the Sistema Zacatecano de Radio y Televisión (Sizart), a branch of the state government. The station is colocated with XHZH-FM 97.9 at the Instituto Zacatecano de la Cultura, with its transmitter on a tower shared with the SPR on Cerro de la Virgen.