Young SVP

The Young SVP (German: Junge SVP, French: Jeunes UDC, Italian: Giovani UDC) is the youth wing of the Swiss People's Party (SVP). Founded in 1977 as a part of the SVP's Zurich branch, the Young SVP served as a training ground for many of the SVP's future leaders. The Young SVP is a member of the International Young Democrat Union.

Young SVP

The Young SVP (German: Junge SVP, French: Jeunes UDC, Italian: Giovani UDC) is the youth wing of the Swiss People's Party (SVP). Founded in 1977 as a part of the SVP's Zurich branch, the Young SVP served as a training ground for many of the SVP's future leaders. The Young SVP is a member of the International Young Democrat Union.