
Zététique (from Ancient Greek: ζητητικός zētētikós, "inquisitive", "keen") is a French term (both a noun and an adjective) for the application of the scientific method when investigating allegedly "paranormal" phenomena. It is often seen as equivalent to, or somewhat different from, the term (scientific) skepticism (French: scepticisme (scientifique)), and is widely used in the modern skeptical movement in France for self-identification.


Zététique (from Ancient Greek: ζητητικός zētētikós, "inquisitive", "keen") is a French term (both a noun and an adjective) for the application of the scientific method when investigating allegedly "paranormal" phenomena. It is often seen as equivalent to, or somewhat different from, the term (scientific) skepticism (French: scepticisme (scientifique)), and is widely used in the modern skeptical movement in France for self-identification.