
.co is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to Colombia. It is administered by .CO Internet S.A.S. As of July 10, 2010, there are no registration restrictions on second-level .co domains; any individual or entity in the world can register a .co domain. .co has become increasingly popular among tech startups. The .co domain is also used by many established brands for social and mobile media, such as Twitter (t.co), Google Inc. (g.co), Amazon.com (a.co), American Express (amex.co) and Starbucks (sbux.co).


.co is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to Colombia. It is administered by .CO Internet S.A.S. As of July 10, 2010, there are no registration restrictions on second-level .co domains; any individual or entity in the world can register a .co domain. .co has become increasingly popular among tech startups. The .co domain is also used by many established brands for social and mobile media, such as Twitter (t.co), Google Inc. (g.co), Amazon.com (a.co), American Express (amex.co) and Starbucks (sbux.co).