
.mp is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Northern Mariana Islands. There are a few sites related to the Northern Mariana Islands in this domain (such as governmental sites under .gov.mp and a few sites in .org.mp and .co.mp). The get.mp site allows users to register and manage .mp domains. The .mp name comes from ISO 3166 which specifies MP as the two letter designation for the Northern Mariana Islands.


.mp is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Northern Mariana Islands. There are a few sites related to the Northern Mariana Islands in this domain (such as governmental sites under .gov.mp and a few sites in .org.mp and .co.mp). The get.mp site allows users to register and manage .mp domains. The .mp name comes from ISO 3166 which specifies MP as the two letter designation for the Northern Mariana Islands.