
1+2=Paradise (1+2=パラダイス Ichi tasu Ni wa Paradaisu) is a manga series by Sumiko Kamimura. The story has been adapted into two original video animations (OVAs) released by Toei Video, a subsidiary of the Toei Company. Because of the sexual content the series was one of the manga placed on "Harmful manga" lists by local and national governmental agencies. The negative publicity resulted in Kodansha discontinuing the series.


1+2=Paradise (1+2=パラダイス Ichi tasu Ni wa Paradaisu) is a manga series by Sumiko Kamimura. The story has been adapted into two original video animations (OVAs) released by Toei Video, a subsidiary of the Toei Company. Because of the sexual content the series was one of the manga placed on "Harmful manga" lists by local and national governmental agencies. The negative publicity resulted in Kodansha discontinuing the series.