113 Squadron (Israel)

The 113 Squadron of the Israeli Air Force, also known as the Tayeset Ha'Tsira'a (Hornet or Wasp Squadron), was formed on October 4, 1955. The Hornets were the first squadron to fly 24 MD450B Dassault Ouragans. It suffered eight fatalities during the 1967 Six-Day War. By January 1973 IAI Nesher replaced the Dassault Ouragans that were retired from duty.In 1976 the squadron replaced the Nesher with the IAI Kfir C-1.The squadron was disbanded in 1987.

113 Squadron (Israel)

The 113 Squadron of the Israeli Air Force, also known as the Tayeset Ha'Tsira'a (Hornet or Wasp Squadron), was formed on October 4, 1955. The Hornets were the first squadron to fly 24 MD450B Dassault Ouragans. It suffered eight fatalities during the 1967 Six-Day War. By January 1973 IAI Nesher replaced the Dassault Ouragans that were retired from duty.In 1976 the squadron replaced the Nesher with the IAI Kfir C-1.The squadron was disbanded in 1987.