12 Lyncis

12 Lyncis (12 Lyn) is a star in the constellation Lynx. Its combined apparent magnitude is 4.87. When seen through a telescope, it can be separated into three stars: two components with magnitudes 5.4 and 6.0 that lie at an angular separation by 1.8″ (as of 1992) and a yellow-hued star of magnitude 7.2 at a separation of 8.6″ (as of 1990). The orbit of the two brighter stars is not known with certainty, but appears to have a period of somewhere around 700 to 900 years. Parallax indicates the system is 210 ± 10 light years distant from Earth.

12 Lyncis

12 Lyncis (12 Lyn) is a star in the constellation Lynx. Its combined apparent magnitude is 4.87. When seen through a telescope, it can be separated into three stars: two components with magnitudes 5.4 and 6.0 that lie at an angular separation by 1.8″ (as of 1992) and a yellow-hued star of magnitude 7.2 at a separation of 8.6″ (as of 1990). The orbit of the two brighter stars is not known with certainty, but appears to have a period of somewhere around 700 to 900 years. Parallax indicates the system is 210 ± 10 light years distant from Earth.