188th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment

The One Hundred and Eighty-Eighth New York Volunteer Infantry was an American Civil War infantry regiment from New York that served from October 1864 through July 1865 in the Union Army. Colonel James R. Chamberlain, succeeded by Col. John McMahon, received authority, September 14, 1864, to recruit this regiment, with headquarters at Rochester, where it was organized and mustered in the service of the United States for one year, October 4, 5, 7, 10 and 22, 1864; except Company A, originally Company C, 183d Infantry, which was mustered in at Elmira September 24, 1864.

188th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment

The One Hundred and Eighty-Eighth New York Volunteer Infantry was an American Civil War infantry regiment from New York that served from October 1864 through July 1865 in the Union Army. Colonel James R. Chamberlain, succeeded by Col. John McMahon, received authority, September 14, 1864, to recruit this regiment, with headquarters at Rochester, where it was organized and mustered in the service of the United States for one year, October 4, 5, 7, 10 and 22, 1864; except Company A, originally Company C, 183d Infantry, which was mustered in at Elmira September 24, 1864.