1920 (film series)

1920 is a series of Indian horror films. It is directed by Vikram Bhatt, Bhushan Patel and Tinu Suresh Desai, in each of three films. The story is written by Vikram Bhatt, for all three series. The first film released in 2008 is directed by Vikram Bhatt, the second film released in 2012 is directed by Bhushan Patel and the third film is directed by Tinu Suresh Desai will be released in 2016. The two films were commercially successful at the box office.

1920 (film series)

1920 is a series of Indian horror films. It is directed by Vikram Bhatt, Bhushan Patel and Tinu Suresh Desai, in each of three films. The story is written by Vikram Bhatt, for all three series. The first film released in 2008 is directed by Vikram Bhatt, the second film released in 2012 is directed by Bhushan Patel and the third film is directed by Tinu Suresh Desai will be released in 2016. The two films were commercially successful at the box office.