2006 UC Santa Barbara Gauchos men's soccer team

The 2006 UC Santa Barbara Gauchos men's soccer team represented the University of California, Santa Barbara during the 2006 NCAA Division I men's soccer season. It was the 41st season of the team fielding a varsity college soccer team, and their 24th season playing in the Big West Conference. The season was highlighted by the Gauchos winning their first NCAA Division I Men's Soccer Championship, in which they won the final against UCLA Bruins in the final in St. Louis.

2006 UC Santa Barbara Gauchos men's soccer team

The 2006 UC Santa Barbara Gauchos men's soccer team represented the University of California, Santa Barbara during the 2006 NCAA Division I men's soccer season. It was the 41st season of the team fielding a varsity college soccer team, and their 24th season playing in the Big West Conference. The season was highlighted by the Gauchos winning their first NCAA Division I Men's Soccer Championship, in which they won the final against UCLA Bruins in the final in St. Louis.