2012 Paros beating and rape

The 2012 Paros beating and rape of a teenage girl by an illegal immigrant named Waqas Ahmed (alternate names reported including Ahmed Waqas, Ahmet Vaka, Ahmet Bakas, and Ahmet Vakash) attracted widespread attention. Perpetrated on the island of Paros, Greece, the case became notorious at a time of rising concern about the increasing numbers of illegal immigrants arriving in the country. Injuries to the victim, usually referred to in the Greek press solely by her first name "Myrto" (Greek: Μυρτώ), resulted in permanent disability.

2012 Paros beating and rape

The 2012 Paros beating and rape of a teenage girl by an illegal immigrant named Waqas Ahmed (alternate names reported including Ahmed Waqas, Ahmet Vaka, Ahmet Bakas, and Ahmet Vakash) attracted widespread attention. Perpetrated on the island of Paros, Greece, the case became notorious at a time of rising concern about the increasing numbers of illegal immigrants arriving in the country. Injuries to the victim, usually referred to in the Greek press solely by her first name "Myrto" (Greek: Μυρτώ), resulted in permanent disability.