2776 is the second musical comedy album created and produced by Los Angeles based comedians Rob Kutner, Joel Moss Levinson, and Stephen Levinson. Released on July 4, 2014, 2776 features 28 tracks and over 80 celebrity performers. It's the story of the President in the year 2776 journeying through time to save America. The album also includes music videos for three songs: “Toymageddon,” “I’m Cured,” and “These Aren’t the Droids.” The album is a benefit for OneKid OneWorld.


2776 is the second musical comedy album created and produced by Los Angeles based comedians Rob Kutner, Joel Moss Levinson, and Stephen Levinson. Released on July 4, 2014, 2776 features 28 tracks and over 80 celebrity performers. It's the story of the President in the year 2776 journeying through time to save America. The album also includes music videos for three songs: “Toymageddon,” “I’m Cured,” and “These Aren’t the Droids.” The album is a benefit for OneKid OneWorld.