90th Pennsylvania Infantry

The 90th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry was a volunteer infantry regiment which served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. They wore a chasseur uniform. The uniform consisted of a dark blue habit veste with white trimming, baggy sky blue trousers, and a dark blue kepi. The buttons on the habit veste was unique to the 90th Pennsylvania. They were the only Union regiment in the entire war to have a specific button design.

90th Pennsylvania Infantry

The 90th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry was a volunteer infantry regiment which served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. They wore a chasseur uniform. The uniform consisted of a dark blue habit veste with white trimming, baggy sky blue trousers, and a dark blue kepi. The buttons on the habit veste was unique to the 90th Pennsylvania. They were the only Union regiment in the entire war to have a specific button design.