A Rhapsody in Black and Blue

Rhapsody in Black and Blue is a short ten-minute film that was created and released in 1932, starring Sidney Easton and Fannie Belle DeKinght. It is an early example of a "music video", showcasing the tunes I’ll Be Glad When You Are Dead You Rascal You., and Shine, sung and played by well-known jazz artist Louis Armstrong. The screenplay was written by Phil Cohan.

A Rhapsody in Black and Blue

Rhapsody in Black and Blue is a short ten-minute film that was created and released in 1932, starring Sidney Easton and Fannie Belle DeKinght. It is an early example of a "music video", showcasing the tunes I’ll Be Glad When You Are Dead You Rascal You., and Shine, sung and played by well-known jazz artist Louis Armstrong. The screenplay was written by Phil Cohan.