
Aachen-Mitte is one of the seven districts of the city of Aachen, Germany, and contains the sub-districts of Beverau, Bildchen, Burtscheid, Forst, Frankenberg, Grüne Eiche, Hörn, Lintert, Pontviertel, Preuswald, Ronheide, Rothe Erde, Stadtmitte, Steinebrück and West.


Aachen-Mitte is one of the seven districts of the city of Aachen, Germany, and contains the sub-districts of Beverau, Bildchen, Burtscheid, Forst, Frankenberg, Grüne Eiche, Hörn, Lintert, Pontviertel, Preuswald, Ronheide, Rothe Erde, Stadtmitte, Steinebrück and West.