Aalborg Portland

Aalborg Portland is a cement-producing company in Denmark. It was established in Aalborg in the 19th century. Portland cement was patented in 1824 by the Englishman Joseph Aspdin. Six decades later the Aalborg businessman Hans Holm and the engineer Frederick Læssøe Smidth built a cement factory 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) northeast of Aalborg in the town of Rørdal.

Aalborg Portland

Aalborg Portland is a cement-producing company in Denmark. It was established in Aalborg in the 19th century. Portland cement was patented in 1824 by the Englishman Joseph Aspdin. Six decades later the Aalborg businessman Hans Holm and the engineer Frederick Læssøe Smidth built a cement factory 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) northeast of Aalborg in the town of Rørdal.