
Abagar ("Абагар") is a breviary by the Bulgarian Roman Catholic Bishop of Nikopol Filip Stanislavov printed in Rome in 1651. It is regarded as the first printed book in modern Bulgarian. The language of the breviary is a specific blend of modern Bulgarian and Church Slavonic (Old Bulgarian) with Serbo-Croatian influences, that was used in writing by the Catholics from Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria, in the period. Unlike many other works of the Bulgarian Roman Catholics, it was printed in Cyrillic and not Latin.


Abagar ("Абагар") is a breviary by the Bulgarian Roman Catholic Bishop of Nikopol Filip Stanislavov printed in Rome in 1651. It is regarded as the first printed book in modern Bulgarian. The language of the breviary is a specific blend of modern Bulgarian and Church Slavonic (Old Bulgarian) with Serbo-Croatian influences, that was used in writing by the Catholics from Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria, in the period. Unlike many other works of the Bulgarian Roman Catholics, it was printed in Cyrillic and not Latin.