
Acceptable.TV is a television program created by Dan Harmon and Rob Schrab that aired on VH1 from March 23 to May 11, 2007. Each show was composed of several mini-episodes created by the Acceptable.TV staff, with one mini-episode that was submitted by a viewer. After each episode viewers would be able to vote online for their two favorites. The two that received the most votes will be continued in the following episode, and the remaining three would be cancelled and replaced by new mini-shows. The show was adapted from Harmon and Schrab's Channel 101 screenings, and the cast was composed of various Channel 101 contributors.


Acceptable.TV is a television program created by Dan Harmon and Rob Schrab that aired on VH1 from March 23 to May 11, 2007. Each show was composed of several mini-episodes created by the Acceptable.TV staff, with one mini-episode that was submitted by a viewer. After each episode viewers would be able to vote online for their two favorites. The two that received the most votes will be continued in the following episode, and the remaining three would be cancelled and replaced by new mini-shows. The show was adapted from Harmon and Schrab's Channel 101 screenings, and the cast was composed of various Channel 101 contributors.