Acer rufinerve

Acer rufinerve (grey-budded snake-bark-maple, redvein maple or Honshū maple; Japanese: ウリハダカエデ urihadakaede, "melon-skin maple"), is a maple in the snakebark maple group, related to Acer capillipes (Kyushu Maple). It is native to mountains forests of Japan, on Honshū, Kyūshū and Shikoku. The scientific and English names derive from the reddish down on the veins, the Japanese name from the bark pattern.

Acer rufinerve

Acer rufinerve (grey-budded snake-bark-maple, redvein maple or Honshū maple; Japanese: ウリハダカエデ urihadakaede, "melon-skin maple"), is a maple in the snakebark maple group, related to Acer capillipes (Kyushu Maple). It is native to mountains forests of Japan, on Honshū, Kyūshū and Shikoku. The scientific and English names derive from the reddish down on the veins, the Japanese name from the bark pattern.