Acinos troodi

Acinos troodi, Troödos rock thyme is a perennial spawling herb with a woody rootstock and reddish-green 5-20 cm long hairy shoots. Leaves opposite, simple, obscurely dentate, broadly ovate, 2-7 x 2-8 mm, petiolate, thinly hairy. Flowers in congested verticillasters, corolla bifid, pink or purple, much longer than calyx, flowers June-August, fruit of 4 nutlets.

Acinos troodi

Acinos troodi, Troödos rock thyme is a perennial spawling herb with a woody rootstock and reddish-green 5-20 cm long hairy shoots. Leaves opposite, simple, obscurely dentate, broadly ovate, 2-7 x 2-8 mm, petiolate, thinly hairy. Flowers in congested verticillasters, corolla bifid, pink or purple, much longer than calyx, flowers June-August, fruit of 4 nutlets.