Agrimonia striata

Agrimonia striata (Roadside agrimony, Grooved agrimony, Agrimony, Cocklebur, Woodland Agrimony, Woodland grooveburr) is a species of perennial forb belonging to the Rose family (Rosaceae). It grows to about 40in. (1m) producing a dense cluster (raceme) of 5-parted yellow flowers on a hairy stalk above pinnately-divided leaves. It is native to the United States, Canada, and Saint Pierre and Miquelon. The species name striata means "striped".

Agrimonia striata

Agrimonia striata (Roadside agrimony, Grooved agrimony, Agrimony, Cocklebur, Woodland Agrimony, Woodland grooveburr) is a species of perennial forb belonging to the Rose family (Rosaceae). It grows to about 40in. (1m) producing a dense cluster (raceme) of 5-parted yellow flowers on a hairy stalk above pinnately-divided leaves. It is native to the United States, Canada, and Saint Pierre and Miquelon. The species name striata means "striped".