Airtight Games

Airtight Games was an independent video game developer founded in 2004 that was made up of several former members of FASA Studio, Will Vinton Studios and Microsoft, as well as several other studios. The key members included president and creative director Jim Deal, art director Matt Brunner, and co-founder Ed Fries. Their first title was Dark Void for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was going to be released earlier, but the date was rescheduled. They later released a first-person puzzle game with Square Enix as publisher, entitled Quantum Conundrum.

Airtight Games

Airtight Games was an independent video game developer founded in 2004 that was made up of several former members of FASA Studio, Will Vinton Studios and Microsoft, as well as several other studios. The key members included president and creative director Jim Deal, art director Matt Brunner, and co-founder Ed Fries. Their first title was Dark Void for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was going to be released earlier, but the date was rescheduled. They later released a first-person puzzle game with Square Enix as publisher, entitled Quantum Conundrum.