
Akdağmadeni (Greek Ἀργυρίων, Argyríōn) is a town and district in the Yozgat Province in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. According to the 2000 census, population of the district is 61,373 of which 20,312 live in the town of Akdağmadeni. The district (or county) of Akdağmadeni is located in the east of the Yozgat province. It is surrounded to the north by the district of Kadışehri, in the south by Çayıralan, Sarikaya and Saraykent in the west and the Sarkisla district in the east.


Akdağmadeni (Greek Ἀργυρίων, Argyríōn) is a town and district in the Yozgat Province in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. According to the 2000 census, population of the district is 61,373 of which 20,312 live in the town of Akdağmadeni. The district (or county) of Akdağmadeni is located in the east of the Yozgat province. It is surrounded to the north by the district of Kadışehri, in the south by Çayıralan, Sarikaya and Saraykent in the west and the Sarkisla district in the east.