Akyaka, Kars

Akyaka (Ottoman Turkish: شوره کل‎ Şoregil or Şöregel,) is a district of Kars Province in eastern Turkey, and the name of the small town that is the district's administrative capital. It is located on Turkey's border with Armenia. The settlement was called Şuregel (Shuregel) until 1922 and Kızılçakçak (Kyzylchakchak) between 1922-1961. It was also a district between 1922-1926, and a township in Arpaçay district between 1926-1988. Akyaka municipality was established in 1972. The population was 2,273 in 2010.

Akyaka, Kars

Akyaka (Ottoman Turkish: شوره کل‎ Şoregil or Şöregel,) is a district of Kars Province in eastern Turkey, and the name of the small town that is the district's administrative capital. It is located on Turkey's border with Armenia. The settlement was called Şuregel (Shuregel) until 1922 and Kızılçakçak (Kyzylchakchak) between 1922-1961. It was also a district between 1922-1926, and a township in Arpaçay district between 1926-1988. Akyaka municipality was established in 1972. The population was 2,273 in 2010.