Alanna Devine

Alanna Devine is the Director of Animal Advocacy at the Montreal branch of the Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Her law degree is from McGill University Faculty of Law in Montreal. She clerked at the Supreme Court of Canada. While a student she founded the McGill Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, a chapter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund. She has been particularly active in closing puppy mills, where dogs are intensively bred, much the way animals are bred on factory farms. Devine serves on a Quebec provincial government committee considering amendments to Quebec’s animal welfare legislation.

Alanna Devine

Alanna Devine is the Director of Animal Advocacy at the Montreal branch of the Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Her law degree is from McGill University Faculty of Law in Montreal. She clerked at the Supreme Court of Canada. While a student she founded the McGill Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, a chapter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund. She has been particularly active in closing puppy mills, where dogs are intensively bred, much the way animals are bred on factory farms. Devine serves on a Quebec provincial government committee considering amendments to Quebec’s animal welfare legislation.