Alex (videotex service)

The Alextel terminal was a contemporary Minitel system that was rented to customers. It had a CRT display, attached keyboard, and a 1200 bit/s modem for use on regular phone lines. In 1991 proprietary software was released for IBM PCs that allowed computer users to access the network. The system operated in the same fashion as Minitel, whereby users connected to various content providers. The most popular (and most expensive) sites were chat rooms. Using the service could cost as much as $0.30 CA per minute, and many users terminated their subscription upon receiving their first invoice.

Alex (videotex service)

The Alextel terminal was a contemporary Minitel system that was rented to customers. It had a CRT display, attached keyboard, and a 1200 bit/s modem for use on regular phone lines. In 1991 proprietary software was released for IBM PCs that allowed computer users to access the network. The system operated in the same fashion as Minitel, whereby users connected to various content providers. The most popular (and most expensive) sites were chat rooms. Using the service could cost as much as $0.30 CA per minute, and many users terminated their subscription upon receiving their first invoice.