Alibi (language game)

Alibi is a language game spoken by children in Australia. It is not a true language, instead an obfuscation of English. It is a system of manipulating the syllables of spoken words to render them incomprehensible to the untrained ear. The language can be easily mentally encoded and decoded by a skilled speaker at the rate of normal speech, while those who either don't know the key or aren't practiced in rapid speech are left hearing nothing but gibberish.

Alibi (language game)

Alibi is a language game spoken by children in Australia. It is not a true language, instead an obfuscation of English. It is a system of manipulating the syllables of spoken words to render them incomprehensible to the untrained ear. The language can be easily mentally encoded and decoded by a skilled speaker at the rate of normal speech, while those who either don't know the key or aren't practiced in rapid speech are left hearing nothing but gibberish.