Alien 2: On Earth

Alien 2: On Earth, also known as Alien Terror and Strangers, is a 1980 science fiction film, written and directed by Ciro Ippolito before the trademark Alien was registered. It was released following the success of the 1979 film Alien as an unofficial sequel, albeit having little connection to the film. Midnight Legacy released the film on DVD and Blu-ray on March 22, 2011.

Alien 2: On Earth

Alien 2: On Earth, also known as Alien Terror and Strangers, is a 1980 science fiction film, written and directed by Ciro Ippolito before the trademark Alien was registered. It was released following the success of the 1979 film Alien as an unofficial sequel, albeit having little connection to the film. Midnight Legacy released the film on DVD and Blu-ray on March 22, 2011.