All Souls College, Oxford

All Souls College (official name: The Warden and the College of the Souls of All Faithful People Deceased in the University of Oxford) is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in England. Unique to All Souls, all of its members automatically become Fellows (i.e., full members of the College's governing body). It has no undergraduate members, but each year recent graduates of the university and graduates of other universities now registered as postgraduate students at Oxford are eligible to apply for through a competitive examination (once described as "the hardest exam in the world") and, for the several shortlisted after the examinations, an interview.

All Souls College, Oxford

All Souls College (official name: The Warden and the College of the Souls of All Faithful People Deceased in the University of Oxford) is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in England. Unique to All Souls, all of its members automatically become Fellows (i.e., full members of the College's governing body). It has no undergraduate members, but each year recent graduates of the university and graduates of other universities now registered as postgraduate students at Oxford are eligible to apply for through a competitive examination (once described as "the hardest exam in the world") and, for the several shortlisted after the examinations, an interview.