Allergy to cats

Cat allergy in humans is an allergic reaction to one or more allergens produced by cats. The most common of these allergens are the glycoprotein Fel d 1, secreted by the cat's sebaceous glands and Fel d 4, which is expressed in saliva. An allergic reaction is a histamine reaction that is usually characterized by coughing, wheezing, chest tightening, itching, nasal congestion, rash, watering eyes, sneezing, chapped lips, and similar symptoms. In some severe cases, reactions may progress rapidly to cause the victim's airway to become inflamed and close up, requiring emergency medical attention. Those with severe, life-threatening cat allergies face tremendous challenges due to lack of public awareness about anaphylactic cat allergies, and do not enjoy the same conscientiousness from the publ

Allergy to cats

Cat allergy in humans is an allergic reaction to one or more allergens produced by cats. The most common of these allergens are the glycoprotein Fel d 1, secreted by the cat's sebaceous glands and Fel d 4, which is expressed in saliva. An allergic reaction is a histamine reaction that is usually characterized by coughing, wheezing, chest tightening, itching, nasal congestion, rash, watering eyes, sneezing, chapped lips, and similar symptoms. In some severe cases, reactions may progress rapidly to cause the victim's airway to become inflamed and close up, requiring emergency medical attention. Those with severe, life-threatening cat allergies face tremendous challenges due to lack of public awareness about anaphylactic cat allergies, and do not enjoy the same conscientiousness from the publ