Almond moth

The almond moth or tropical warehouse moth (Cadra cautella) is a small stored-product pest. It belongs to the snout moths (family Pyralidae), more specifically to the tribe Phycitini of the huge snout moth subfamily Phycitinae. This species is often confused with the related Indian mealmoth (Plodia interpunctella). Adults live for about 10 days after eclosion and do not eat, but may drink if water is available. The mating system is polygamous; many females will only mate once, however. In mating, which takes several hours, the abdomens are placed end to end.

Almond moth

The almond moth or tropical warehouse moth (Cadra cautella) is a small stored-product pest. It belongs to the snout moths (family Pyralidae), more specifically to the tribe Phycitini of the huge snout moth subfamily Phycitinae. This species is often confused with the related Indian mealmoth (Plodia interpunctella). Adults live for about 10 days after eclosion and do not eat, but may drink if water is available. The mating system is polygamous; many females will only mate once, however. In mating, which takes several hours, the abdomens are placed end to end.