Alyssum chondrogynum

Alyssum chondrogynum, Kakomallis alison is a much branched subshrub with suberect, woody-at-base, stems, 20–50 cm high. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, grey-green, thick, obovoid to suborbicular, 8-16 x 7–13 mm, with short stellate hairs. Flowers actinomorphic, in terminal corymbose inflorescences, golden yellow, with 4 petals and sepals. Flowers April–June. Fruit an obovoid silicle with short stellate hairs.

Alyssum chondrogynum

Alyssum chondrogynum, Kakomallis alison is a much branched subshrub with suberect, woody-at-base, stems, 20–50 cm high. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, grey-green, thick, obovoid to suborbicular, 8-16 x 7–13 mm, with short stellate hairs. Flowers actinomorphic, in terminal corymbose inflorescences, golden yellow, with 4 petals and sepals. Flowers April–June. Fruit an obovoid silicle with short stellate hairs.