American–Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

The American–Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) U.S. based organization established in 1993 "to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship." AICE Executive Director is foreign policy analyst Mitchell G. Bard, a former editor of the Near East Report, a newsletter published by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and the author of many books. AICE has been cited by major news networks, including CNN, Yahoo news, Haaretz, and others. A member of the Israel on Campus Coalition, AICE is independently supported by donations from various foundations and individuals.

American–Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

The American–Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) U.S. based organization established in 1993 "to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship." AICE Executive Director is foreign policy analyst Mitchell G. Bard, a former editor of the Near East Report, a newsletter published by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and the author of many books. AICE has been cited by major news networks, including CNN, Yahoo news, Haaretz, and others. A member of the Israel on Campus Coalition, AICE is independently supported by donations from various foundations and individuals.