American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges

The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) is an organization dedicated to the improvement of education in the first two years of college mathematics in the United States and Canada. AMATYC hosts an annual conference, summer institutes, workshops and mentoring for teachers in and outside math, and a biannual math competition. AMATYC publishes one refereed journal, MathAMATYC Educator, and issues position statements on matters of mathematics education. AMATYC was founded in 1974. Its office is at Southwest Tennessee Community College in Memphis, Tennessee.

American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges

The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) is an organization dedicated to the improvement of education in the first two years of college mathematics in the United States and Canada. AMATYC hosts an annual conference, summer institutes, workshops and mentoring for teachers in and outside math, and a biannual math competition. AMATYC publishes one refereed journal, MathAMATYC Educator, and issues position statements on matters of mathematics education. AMATYC was founded in 1974. Its office is at Southwest Tennessee Community College in Memphis, Tennessee.