Americans for UNFPA

Americans for UNFPA's name was changed to Friends of UNFPA in 2012. Americans for UNFPA identifies itself as an organization which "supports the health and dignity of women everywhere." This U.S. based NGO was formed in 1998 (as "The U.S. Committee for the United Nations Population Fund") to raise political and financial support in within the United States for the work of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Americans for UNFPA is headquartered in New York, with offices in Washington DC and Seattle. Its President is Valerie DeFillipo.

Americans for UNFPA

Americans for UNFPA's name was changed to Friends of UNFPA in 2012. Americans for UNFPA identifies itself as an organization which "supports the health and dignity of women everywhere." This U.S. based NGO was formed in 1998 (as "The U.S. Committee for the United Nations Population Fund") to raise political and financial support in within the United States for the work of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Americans for UNFPA is headquartered in New York, with offices in Washington DC and Seattle. Its President is Valerie DeFillipo.