
AMOS-2 is an Israeli commercial communication satellite, part of the AMOS series of satellites. The satellite was positioned at 4° W longitude in the geo-stationary was launched at December 27, 2003 from Baikonur, Kazakhstan and it serves clients in three service regions: Middle East (including Israel), Europe and eastern coast of United States. Transmission and communication services given by this satellite include: direct distribution of TV and radio translations, TV and radio translations to communication centers, distribution of internet services, data transmissions to communication networks.


AMOS-2 is an Israeli commercial communication satellite, part of the AMOS series of satellites. The satellite was positioned at 4° W longitude in the geo-stationary was launched at December 27, 2003 from Baikonur, Kazakhstan and it serves clients in three service regions: Middle East (including Israel), Europe and eastern coast of United States. Transmission and communication services given by this satellite include: direct distribution of TV and radio translations, TV and radio translations to communication centers, distribution of internet services, data transmissions to communication networks.