Amphitheatrum Castrense

The Amphitheatrum Castrense is a Roman amphitheatre in Rome, next to the church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. It is the third ancient amphitheatre of Rome after the Colosseum and the Theater of Marcellus. Both the Amphiteatrum and the Circus Varianus were part of the palatial villa known as the Sessorium. The Regionary Catalogues name it as the "Amphitheatrum Castrense" which could mean it was an amphiteathre connected to an imperial residence, which was not uncommon.

Amphitheatrum Castrense

The Amphitheatrum Castrense is a Roman amphitheatre in Rome, next to the church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. It is the third ancient amphitheatre of Rome after the Colosseum and the Theater of Marcellus. Both the Amphiteatrum and the Circus Varianus were part of the palatial villa known as the Sessorium. The Regionary Catalogues name it as the "Amphitheatrum Castrense" which could mean it was an amphiteathre connected to an imperial residence, which was not uncommon.