An Amateur Devil

An Amateur Devil is a 1920 American silent comedy film directed by Maurice Campbell and written by Douglas Bronston based upon the short story "Wanted: A Blemish" by Henry J. Buxton and Jessie Henderson. The film stars Bryant Washburn, Charles Wingate, Ann May, Sidney Bracey, Graham Pettie, and Anna Dodge. The film was released on December 19, 1920, by Paramount Pictures. It is not known whether the film currently survives.

An Amateur Devil

An Amateur Devil is a 1920 American silent comedy film directed by Maurice Campbell and written by Douglas Bronston based upon the short story "Wanted: A Blemish" by Henry J. Buxton and Jessie Henderson. The film stars Bryant Washburn, Charles Wingate, Ann May, Sidney Bracey, Graham Pettie, and Anna Dodge. The film was released on December 19, 1920, by Paramount Pictures. It is not known whether the film currently survives.