An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky

An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky (2013) is the seventh film in the American Girl series, introducing newcomer Sidney Fullmer in the title role, as well as Kerr Smith, Jane Seymour, Alex Peters, Alana Gordillo and Mika Abdalla. The film tells the story of Saige Copeland, an aspiring young artist from Albuquerque, New Mexico. As with the previous film, the screenplay was written by Jessica O'Toole and Amy Rardin. The movie was directed by Vince Marcello. A screening of the film was held at the KiMo Theatre in Albuquerque.

An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky

An American Girl: Saige Paints the Sky (2013) is the seventh film in the American Girl series, introducing newcomer Sidney Fullmer in the title role, as well as Kerr Smith, Jane Seymour, Alex Peters, Alana Gordillo and Mika Abdalla. The film tells the story of Saige Copeland, an aspiring young artist from Albuquerque, New Mexico. As with the previous film, the screenplay was written by Jessica O'Toole and Amy Rardin. The movie was directed by Vince Marcello. A screening of the film was held at the KiMo Theatre in Albuquerque.