An Cléireach

An Cléireach (Gaelic: The Clerk) is a novel by the Irish writer Darach Ó Scolaí, published in 2007 and winner of the 2007 Oireachtas Prize for Literature. The protogonist and narrator is a soldier and clerk in dispute with his colonel over a promotion. In north Munster in the year 1650, as the remnants of the royalist army flees from the victorious parliamentarians, a band of poets and soldier-scribes are brought together and, regardless of the proximity of the enemy, spend the night storytelling.

An Cléireach

An Cléireach (Gaelic: The Clerk) is a novel by the Irish writer Darach Ó Scolaí, published in 2007 and winner of the 2007 Oireachtas Prize for Literature. The protogonist and narrator is a soldier and clerk in dispute with his colonel over a promotion. In north Munster in the year 1650, as the remnants of the royalist army flees from the victorious parliamentarians, a band of poets and soldier-scribes are brought together and, regardless of the proximity of the enemy, spend the night storytelling.