And the Singer Sings His Song

And the Singer Sings His Song is a compilation album by Neil Diamond released by MCA Records in 1976. It peaked at number 102 on the Billboard 200 chart. Music critic Shawn M. Haney referred to the album as "a somewhat entertaining collection of Neil Diamond's lesser-known melodies" and that "the songs are charming, romantic, and easy to dance to. Perfect for a getaway excursion from reality and off to your favorite beached island".

And the Singer Sings His Song

And the Singer Sings His Song is a compilation album by Neil Diamond released by MCA Records in 1976. It peaked at number 102 on the Billboard 200 chart. Music critic Shawn M. Haney referred to the album as "a somewhat entertaining collection of Neil Diamond's lesser-known melodies" and that "the songs are charming, romantic, and easy to dance to. Perfect for a getaway excursion from reality and off to your favorite beached island".