Angry Kid

Angry Kid is a British 1-minute short live action and stop motion adult animated comedy television series created, directed, written, and designed by Darren Walsh (who also provides the voice of the title character) and produced by Aardman Animations for Series 1 and 2 and by Mr Morris Productions for Series 3. Unlike most Aardman productions, Angry Kid was not created using clay animation but a combination of pixilation (using masks for facial expressions) and stop motion puppetry. Series 3 onwards uses CGI for Angry Kid's head, along with live action.

Angry Kid

Angry Kid is a British 1-minute short live action and stop motion adult animated comedy television series created, directed, written, and designed by Darren Walsh (who also provides the voice of the title character) and produced by Aardman Animations for Series 1 and 2 and by Mr Morris Productions for Series 3. Unlike most Aardman productions, Angry Kid was not created using clay animation but a combination of pixilation (using masks for facial expressions) and stop motion puppetry. Series 3 onwards uses CGI for Angry Kid's head, along with live action.