
Animaritime is an anime and gaming convention founded by members of the Mount Allison University anime club. The convention was first held as an anime-only convention on the university campus in Sackville, New Brunswick in 2004. It was the first anime con to be held in the Canadian Maritimes. 2010 festivities consisted of two smaller conventions called Animinitime, each a one-day con, located in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Moncton, New Brunswick. Animaritime moved to Fredericton, New Brunswick for the 2013 convention.


Animaritime is an anime and gaming convention founded by members of the Mount Allison University anime club. The convention was first held as an anime-only convention on the university campus in Sackville, New Brunswick in 2004. It was the first anime con to be held in the Canadian Maritimes. 2010 festivities consisted of two smaller conventions called Animinitime, each a one-day con, located in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Moncton, New Brunswick. Animaritime moved to Fredericton, New Brunswick for the 2013 convention.