Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!

Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild! is the 2008 sequel to the 2006 comedy Another Gay Movie. It features five cast members from the first movie: Jonah Blechman (Nico Hunter), Ashlie Atkinson (Dawn Muffler), Scott Thompson (Mr. Wilson), Stephanie McVay (Mrs. Hunter), and Andersen Gabrych. It was released in only seven theaters and ran for only 10 weeks before going to DVD due in large part to its negative reception in contrast to the first film which developed a small cult following.

Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!

Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild! is the 2008 sequel to the 2006 comedy Another Gay Movie. It features five cast members from the first movie: Jonah Blechman (Nico Hunter), Ashlie Atkinson (Dawn Muffler), Scott Thompson (Mr. Wilson), Stephanie McVay (Mrs. Hunter), and Andersen Gabrych. It was released in only seven theaters and ran for only 10 weeks before going to DVD due in large part to its negative reception in contrast to the first film which developed a small cult following.